heal your grief

Remember Your Loved Ones

Memorial Day is a special holiday to honor your loved ones that have passed on and the men and women who have died serving our country.

The loss of friends and family can be a difficult time emotionally as you transition to life without them. You can heal your grief through remembering the positive memories of happy moments shared together.  Family traditions and special rituals you shared with your loved ones will also help your memories to thrive and your heart to heal as you share them with future generations.

Here are some simple activities you can do to remember your loved ones and honor the veterans in your community:

  • Share stories and memories of your adventures and activities.  Recalling the memories and emotions shared together will help to keep them alive in your heart.
  • Visit the deceased grave and spend some time talking to your loved one as if they are present. Tell them how much you love and miss them as well as what is new in your life. The essence of who they are never has to die and you can keep them in a special place in your heart.
  • Plant a tree in their honor or in the honor of the veterans that have died in service. Let the tree embrace the spirit of those you have loved so much.
  • Visit a Veteran’s hospital. Many veterans continue to suffer physically, psychologically, and emotionally years after they have served in war. A friendly smile and listening ear are a healing balm to those who suffer.
  • Make a memories scrapbook. Writing down your memories and looking at pictures are a therapeutic way to heal your heart and mend your soul.

For more healing tools and therapeutic techniques read Heal Your Grief by Carolyn Flynn available in paperback and ebook formats at online bookstores everywhere.


By Carolyn Almendarez

Mind-Body Solutions for Health and Happiness, Carolyn AlmendarezCarolyn Almendarez provides mind-body solutions for health and happiness. She is a licensed professional counselor, author, and creator of the SMART Relationship Communication program and the Happy, Healthy & Fit program. She is committed to helping women resolve stress, excess weight, and discontent to create loving relationships, healthy bodies, and fulfilling lives.

Flickr photo by The U.S. Army


2 Responses

  1. Sophie Bowns

    It’s so important to remember our loved ones who have passed, we often light candles for them.

  2. Lily Leung

    We celebrate Remembrance Day. But it’s a reminder of war and senseless loss. We each have our own personal rituals.

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